Security Enclosures for Animals
When most people think of security enclosures, they automatically think of wire cages located in businesses used to protect valuables. They picture movies where they have seen police officers open a door and step inside a metal cage to retrieve some important case file, or they see images of burglars picking locks and sifting through valuables locked inside. Although all of these are true and security enclosures are primarily used to protect valuables, they can also be used to house animals.
Types of Animals That Benefit from Security Enclosures
Primarily, wild animals or animals that are being rehabilitated are kept in security enclosures. This is done for safety reasons and to keep the animal from escaping before it is fully recovered. Although these types of enclosures can benefit domestic animals, they are typically not used for such. The enclosures are almost always located outside so that the animal can roam around his or her natural habitat without getting hurt or escaping. The security enclosures will vary in height, width, and length depending the need of the animal. Security enclosures are also used in zoos to give people a glimpse at the animal.
Size of the Security Enclosure Required
As previously stated, the size needed will vary depending on the animal. Some animals need more space than others or have special needs. For example, a bird that is being rehabilitated will need a lot of vertical room so these cages will typically be taller than those used to rehabilitate foxes, who need a lot of horizontal space to roam around in search of food and shelter.
Rehabilitating Wild Animals
It is common sense that you cannot rehabilitate a wild animal fully in the comfort of your own home or inside a small building. The animals must learn to go back into the wild and survive, and the best way to prepare them for their ultimate release back into nature is by providing a safe enclosure outdoors. These enclosures allow the animal to safely explore the environment and get readjusted to being outdoors. Handlers will teach the animals to hunt, find shelter, and seek out water without the risk of the animal escaping or injuring itself.
Zoos/Wildlife Sanctuaries
Enclosures for zoos and wildlife sanctuaries will vary based on the needs of the animal. Some animals will need a full enclosure, such as birds, while others, such as giraffes, can benefit from an open enclosure without fear of injury or escape. Both zoos and wildlife sanctuaries use security enclosures because they not only provide adequate protection for the animal, but they also allow visitors to see them.
Think Inside the Box
Security enclosures are great for protecting animals. They allow visitors at local zoos and wildlife sanctuaries to observe animals behaving in their natural environment while fully protecting the animal from harm. They also allow wildlife rehabilitators the chance to teach the animal how to survive in the wild without the risk of the animal escaping or causing greater injury.